Author: Karsten Silz
Nov 2, 2020   |  updated Dec 21, 2020 3 min read


Build IT Right 2020: "Pick Technologies & Tools Faster by Coding with JHipster"

Build IT Right 2020 home page


Build IT Right 2020 is a four-track, one-day online conference. It took place on Thursday, November 12, 2020. Here is the schedule.


My session started at 16:20. I condensed my 50-minute talk from last August into 20 minutes. Here’s the abstract:

Do you pick technologies & tools for Java projects? And can you learn by looking at & running code? Then this talk is for you!

In this talk, we’ll explore why we pick more technologies & tools today. We’ll then look at how generating Java projects with JHipster makes that easier. JHipster is an open-source code generator for Java.


The talk is on YouTube. It’s 19 minutes and 14 seconds long.

Please excuse my “crazy eyes”. I looked at three different screens during the talk. Clearly, I shouldn’t have.

Mind Map & Slides

I used a mind map to create this talk. It has nearly all the talk content and more details. Click this link to see it: Mindmap picture

You can also get the slides in their original Keynote format. “Keynote” is Apple’s presentation application. Why would you do that? I animated the slides, so they are more pleasant to watch. Or maybe you want to peek under the hood to see how I achieved specific effects. Follow this link to download these Keynotes slides.


During The Talk

I asked this question during my talk: “Compared to 5 years, do you pick more technologies & tools in your Java projects today?” Here’s what my audience said:

Talk Rating

If you’ve seen my talk or checked out the mindmap, then please rate my talk.

This is the feedback. Please note that you can view the second page with the arrow button in the bottom left.

Getting Started with JHipster

For the latest information, please always go to the JHipster site.

My Tutorial

If you want to get started with JHipster, then my three-part tutorial on JHipster is just what you need:

  • The first part is optional. It tells the story of how JHipster and Docker saved my first Angular Java project.
  • The second part helps with installing JHipster. We then generate our first JHipster application and explore the UI for administration and our entities.
  • In the third and final part, we look at the JHipster code. We configure Eclipse/Intellij, import the project, and then inspect the code.

Plugins change the code that JHipster generates. They are optional. JHipster calls them “blueprints”.

Here are the officially supported blueprints:

In principle, we can use multiple blueprints at the same time. But it seems that at least the Kotlin blueprint doesn’t go together with other blueprints.

The JHipster site has a list of all blueprints. That’s where we can find the Quarkus blueprint, for instance.

Part 2 of 25 in the Conference Talks series.
« JavaLand 2021: "How Should Java Developers Build Front-Ends for Web, Mobile & Desktop Today?" | Java Forum Stuttgart 2019: "When Using the Application Generator Jhipster Is Worth It - and When Not" » | Start: Java Forum Stuttgart 2019: "When Using the Application Generator Jhipster Is Worth It - and When Not"

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