Author: Karsten Silz
Aug 25, 2020   |  updated Nov 12, 2020 2 min read


LJC Talk: Learning by Coding: Better Java Projects Faster With Jhipster

Illustration for Learning by Coding: Better Java Projects Faster With Jhipster


The London Java Community (LJC) regularly hosts online talks by Java experts. On August 25, 2020, I discussed how JHipster gets you Java projects faster if you can learn from running code. My talk included two live demos.


My talk is on YouTube in the LJC channel:

Slides & Code

Grab the PDF slides here.

If you’re on an Apple device and have Apple’s “Keynote” presentation program installed, then you can also get the slides in their original format. Why would you do that? These slides are animated, so they are more pleasant to watch. Or maybe you want to peek under the hood to see how I did certain effects. Either way, follow this link to download these slides. You can view them with Apple’s “Keynote” program.

I prepared a data model for the live demo. You can find it here as a text file.

Getting Started

If you want to get started with JHipster, then my three-part tutorial on JHipster is just what you need:

  • The first part is optional. It tells the story of how JHipster and Docker saved my first Angular Java project.
  • The second part helps with installing JHipster. We then generate our first JHipster application and explore the UI for administration and our entities.
  • In the third and final part, we look at the JHipster code. We configure Eclipse/Intellij, import the project, and then inspect the code.
talk  LJC  JHipster 

Part 4 of 15 in the Talks series.
« LJC Lightning Talk: "JaVers: Easy Audit Logs in Java" | LJC Lightning Talk: Better Spring Boot Projects Faster With JHipster » | Start: LJC Lightning Talk: Eclipse OpenJ9: Memory Diet for Your JVM Applications

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