Author: Karsten Silz
Jul 3, 2019   |  updated Dec 2, 2020 2 min read


Java Forum Stuttgart 2019: "When Using the Application Generator Jhipster Is Worth It - and When Not"

Audience before my talk at the Java Forum Stuttgart 2019


I gave my German talk “When using the application generator JHipster is worth it — and when not” as part of the “Innovation and New Technologies” track of the “Java Forum Stuttgart 2019” conference. It is the biggest Java conference in the south-west of Germany with seven parallel tracks.

This year, the conference was on July 4. My presentation was first thing in the morning at 8:45.


Although I had to rush through about ten slides in one minute at the end, participants still voted my talk number 5 out of 47!


The slides are available in two formats:

Demo Application

I generated a project with JHipster live during the presentation. It is a simple online shop with just a few entities.

Online Demo

The application was deployed as a Docker Compose File on Azure. Because I have to pay for hosting, I took down the application a couple of days after the talk. However, you can always clone the Git project and run it yourself - see the next section.

Demo Source Code

The source code is a public repository on Gitlab:

        Application 'my_simple_shop' is running! Access URLs:
        Local:          http://localhost:8080/
        External:       http://[your IP address]:8080/
        Profile(s):     [dev, swagger]
The JHipster application running for the first time
The JHipster application running for the first time
  • Log in as either admin / admin or user / user.
  • Enjoy!

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If you want to learn more about JHipster and Docker, then please sign up for my mailing list now! You’ll get access to my free JHipster & Docker tutorial and receive tips, tricks, and news around JHipster and Docker.

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Part 1 of 25 in the Conference Talks series.
« Build IT Right 2020: "Pick Technologies & Tools Faster by Coding with JHipster"

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Developer job ads down 32% year over year, Stack Overflow questions dropped 55% since ChatGPT. I now recommend IntelliJ Community Edition because many AI code assistants don't run in Eclipse. Job ads for Quarkus hit an all-time high.

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