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Blog post(s) for this tag:   jhipster 

Build IT Right 2020: "Pick Technologies & Tools Faster by Coding with JHipster"

On November 12, 2020, I gave a 20-minute talk at the "Build IT Right 2020" online conference. The topic was "Pick Technologies & Tools by Coding with JHipster".

JHipster 6.10.4: Security Patches & Bug Fixes

JHipster 6.10.4 bumps two dependencies and fixes two bugs. Unless you need that, wait for JHipster 7.0 before upgrading.


JHipster is my application generator of choice for Java and Angular.

I'll Present JHipster for the CinJUG and at the "Build It Right" Conference

In November, I'll present "Learn Tools & Technologies Faster by Coding with JHipster" at the Cincinnati Java/JVM User Group and at the Build IT Right 2020 conference.

JHipster 6.10.2 & 6.10.3: Security Patches & Bug Fixes

JHipster 6.10.2 patched security holes and fixed bugs, but was broken. JHipster 6.10.3 fixed that. Unless you need those patches & fixes, wait for JHipster 7.0.

Conference Report: JHipster Code 2020

The JHipster team held an in-person (!) conference on September 14 in France. JHipster 7.0 will include Spring Boot 2.3 and Vue.js. In the future, JHipster will also support Spring Boot alternatives Micronaut & Quarkus.