Author: Karsten Silz Oct 28, 2020 1 min read


JHipster 6.10.4: Security Patches & Bug Fixes

JHipster portrait #2

What’s This About?

JHipster released a minor update of its Java application generator on October 18, 2020.

What’s in the Release?

Two dependencies have newer versions (here and here[]). Two bug fixes are in, too (here and here).

Should I Upgrade?

No, unless you need these dependency updates or bug fixes. JHipster upgrades regenerate your project. That’s why they are at least a minor hassle.

Where Can I Get It?

You upgrade JHipster with npm install -g generator-jhipster.

When Will the Next Version Be Out?

JHipster 7.0 is the next big release. There are three issues left on October 28, 2020. So it could be out in November 2020!

Java Tech Popularity Index Q4/2023:
Developer job ads dipped 30% in 2023. Monthly Stack Overflow questions dropped 42% since ChatGPT, with JavaScript at -56% and Python at -59%. Since June 22, Udemy's first-time Python course purchases have outpaced Java's 7.1 million to 2 million. Job ads for Quarkus and Micronaut continue to rebound.

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