I gave a lightning talk about 'Better Spring Boot Projects Faster With JHipster' to the London Java Community (LJC) on May 29, 2020. JHipster generates full Spring Boot monolith or microservice applications. It saves time when you learn and when you manage your project and your code.
I gave a lightning talk about 'Google Jib: Smaller & Faster Docker Images for Java Applications' to the London Java Community (LJC) on May 15, 2020. Google Jib creates layered Docker images for Java applications. With these images, you usually push 90%+ less data to your Docker repository. So Jib saves a ton of time & network bandwidth!
I gave a lightning talk about 'Eclipse OpenJ9: Memory Diet for Your JVM Applications' to the London Java Community (LJC) on May 1, 2020. Eclipse OpenJ9 is an alternate JVM. It uses less memory, especially in containers. It therefore lowers the cost of running your Java applications.
Participants voted my talk "When using the application generator JHipster is worth it - and when not" at the "Java Forum Stuttgart 2019" #5 out of 47. Thank you!
I am honored to give my presentation on "When using the application generator JHipster is worth it - and when not" at the "Java Forum Stuttgart 2019" on July 4, 2019.