Author: Karsten Silz May 2, 2019   |  updated Jul 4, 2019 1 min read


JFS 2019 - here I come!

Presentation at the Java Forum Stuttgart

Exciting news: My presentation “When using the application generator JHipster is worth it - and when not” was accepted as a talk for the “Innovation and New Technologies” track of the “Java Forum Stuttgart 2019” conference. It is the biggest Java conference in the south-west of Germany with seven parallel tracks.

This year, the conference is on July 4. My presentation is first at 8:45 in the morning, so I hope my audience will be both awake and on time. ☕️ I’m really looking forward to spreading the word about JHipster!

If you want to attend the conference, then please sign up here.

I speak at the Java Forum Stuttgart 2019
I speak at the Java Forum Stuttgart 2019
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