Author: Karsten Silz
Sep 7, 2022   |  updated Sep 27, 2022 2 min read


Java Full-Stack Report September 2022: Stand-Up

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What’s This?

This is my personal look back at the last month.


2022 Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb


By the time you read next month’s edition, I will have just given two talks at JAX London on October 4 (here and here). So if you’re at JAX London, say hello!

I did my first extensive interview for InfoQ! Of course, that means I interviewed somebody else! 😁 Who? James Ward of Scala fame. I like the end result. And it seems the InfoQ readers do, too. 🤗

Here’s a little peek behind the curtain: These things take a long time. Why? Because the Google PR department reviews the answers. Why were they involved? James is the Kotlin Product Manager at Google, so interviews like this are “official Google business”. And I had follow-up questions, so it was two rounds of reviews.

If you look at the Release Radar this month, you may notice some improvements. First, the technologies are now in the order in which you need them on your project — version control, build tool, IDE, Java, and framework. Second, the table is now more compact so it’s easier to read on smaller screens. Finally, I added Helidon, Oracle’s Spring Boot competitor.

Last month, I told you about my second marathon on August 7. I missed my goal of 3h:45min — by a wide margin: 4 hours, 7 minutes, and 7 seconds. Why was I so slow? I ran 3h:53min last year!

Painkillers took care of my back pain, so that wasn’t it. I think it was the weather, mainly. Or the “scorching heat”, as my fellow Brits would describe it: Despite starting an hour earlier, it was already 20 degrees celsius when the race began at 8 am. Four hours later, it was 30 degrees. The course was mostly without shade, with a steep hill and a long ascend. I have to admit that I actually walked a few times. 😔 I placed second among 17 male runners, so I wasn’t the only one struggling that day.

Or maybe it just wasn’t my lucky day: I ran on August 13 — exactly 61 years after East Germany started to build the Berlin Wall! 😩 Well, here’s to my next marathon in 2023, in less than four hours again.

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