Author: Karsten Silz
Mar 2, 2022   |  updated Mar 26, 2022 2 min read


Java Full-Stack Report March 2022: Stand-Up

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See Current Version

What’s This?

This is my personal look back at the last month.


February 2022


Popularity trends are now everywhere. This makes it easier to see how competing technologies gain or lose against each other!

  • Job ads and students at Udemy compared just two values in a bar chart (examples here and here). Now they show the trend in a line chart, like Google searches and Stack Overflow questions have always done (examples here and here).
  • I summarize the popularity trends of each category in two sentences. That’s now the first bullet of the summary (here’s an example). It also shows in a new “Popularity Trends” section of the Technology Index (example here).
  • Finally, I summarize everything again in a single, though long sentence for the report’s main page (example).

I also simplified the explanation of popularity. I used a funnel in the past. The problem was that the first three funnel stages showed developer popularity, while the last one was employer popularity. So I think they didn’t belong into the same funnel after all. So the funnel is gone, and employer popularity is now the first category mentioned for each technology. That simplifies my section on how to measure popularity significantly!

Finally, I’ll speak at three conferences in the next three months and help organize a fourth one:

Busy times ahead! 😁 So, if you are at any of these conferences, come and say hi! This is me:

Headshot of Karsten Silz

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