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Blog post(s) for this tag:   spring-boot 

JAX London 2023: "When Is Native Java With GraalVM Worthwhile for Me?"

JAX London is the second-largest Java conference in the UK. I'll give the talk "When Is Native Java With GraalVM Worthwhile for Me?" there on October 4, 2023.

Aspiring Speakers Lightning Talk: "Why Is Java in the Cloud So Expensive – And How Can I Make It Cheaper?"

I'll give a lightning talk about 'Why Is Java in the Cloud So Expensive – And How Can I Make It Cheaper?' to the London Java Community (LJC) on September 5, 2023.

JavaLand 2023: "When Is Native Java With GraalVM Worthwhile for Me?"

JavaLand is Germany's biggest Java conference. I'll give the German talk "Wann lohnt sich Native Java mit GraalVM für mich?" there on March 22, 2023.

JAX 2023: "When Is Native Java With GraalVM Worthwhile for Me?"

JAX Hybrid is the second-largest Java conference in Germany. I'll give the German talk "Wann lohnt sich Native Java mit GraalVM für mich?" there on May 9, 2023.

I'm a News Writer At InfoQ

I published two articles already and hope to become a permanent news editor at InfoQ.

I Just Published "Running Spring Boot with PostgreSQL in Docker Compose" on Baeldung

I wrote an article for Baeldung on running a Spring Boot application with PostgreSQL in Docker Compose.