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Blog post(s) for this tag:   Native-Java 

Getting Started: Native Java with GraalVM

 Back to Getting Started  Table Of Contents What’s This? What is GraalVM? Sample Application Frameworks Install GraalVM Spring Boot Building Native Executable Building Fat JAR Quarkus Set-Up Building Native Executable Building FAT JAR How do JIT Java and GraalVM Native Image work? At Build Time JIT Java GraalVM Native Image At Runtime JIT Java GraalVM Existing & Possible Improvements JIT Java Existing: Application Class Data Sharing Under Construction: Project CraC & OpenJ9 CRIU Under Construction: Project Leyden GraalVM Garbage Collection Peak Performance Longer Build Times Debugging Observability Thank You What’s This?

LJC Live Talk: "When Is Native Java With GraalVM Worthwhile for Me?"

I'll give a 30-minute talk about "When Is Native Java With GraalVM Worthwhile for Me?" at the London Java Community "LJC Live" event on February 16, 2023, in London.