Space is here, as is Kubernetes 1.20, Docker 20.10, Docker Desktop 3.0.0, Spring Boot 2.4.1/2.3.7/2.2.12, and Spring 5.3.2/5.2.12/5.1.20/5.0.20/4.3.30. That's a lot of releases!
Java 16 out on March 16, 2021, wait before you buy Apple laptops with M1, Jakarta EE 9 is out (I think), and Spring Native for GraalVM inches closer to being useful.
How HotSpot and Graal JVMs execute Java code, OpenJDK acronyms, reactive microservice framework Helidon SE, the road to MicroProfile 4.0, and Spring Boot releases 2.2.11 and 2.3.5.