A compendium of 2021 Java & OpenJDK predictions, reactive Java microservices with Spring Boot and JHipster, Spring Data's migration from Jira to GitHub issues, Quarkus 1.11, and GraalVM 21.0.
Creating self-contained executable JARs, Shenandoah garbage collector in detail, the tables have turned on NoSQL, welcome to the Eclipse Foundation AISBL, Spring Boot 2.4.2/2.3.8/2.2.13, Spring Framework 5.3.3.
JetBrains: An update on SolarWinds, unblock your applications with R2DBC, Spring Data, and MariaDB, Netbeans 12.2, Tiobe declares Python programming language of 2020, and farewell to Flash.
Do Loom’s claims stack up, Java Pub House on heap dumps, Spring Boot best practices for microservices, resilient applications with Spring and Resilience4J, and what's new in MicroProfile 4.0.
Eclipse Adoptium ready for community review, Oracle JRE and JDK cryptographic roadmap, Inside Java podcast: "Project Panama - The Foreign Linker API", Ruby 3.0, and Helidon 2.2.0.
Netflix scales its API with GraphQL Federation, Maven has a speed daemon, and JavaScript turns 25. Releases: Eclipse IDE 2020-12 and Spring Tools 4.9.0.