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Blog post(s) for this tag:   flutter 

JAX London 2022: "Flutter for Java Developers: Mobile, Web, and Desktop with One Codebase?"

JAX London is a hybrid conference that for Java developers. I'll give the talk "Flutter for Java Developers: Mobile, Web, and Desktop with One Codebase?" there on October 4, 2022.

Angular Community Meetup Talk: "Flutter For Angular Developers: Mobile, Web & Desktop from 1 CodeBase"

I'll give a 30-minute talk about "Flutter For Angular Developers: Mobile, Web & Desktop from 1 CodeBase" at the Angular Community Meetup on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, from 18:00 - 20:00 BST.

W-JAX 2022: "Flutter for Java Developers: Web, Mobile & Desktop Front-Ends from 1 Code Base?" (German Talk)

W-JAX Hybrid is a German Java conference in Munich. I'll give the German talk "Flutter für Java-Entwickler: Mobil-, Web- & Desktop-Front-Ends mit 1 Codebasis?" ("Flutter for Java Developers: Web, Mobile & Desktop Front-Ends from 1 Code Base?") there on November 8, 2022.

London Java Community: "Flutter for Java Developers: Mobile, Web & Desktop with 1 Codebase?"

I was happy to give a 40-minute talk about 'Flutter for Java Developers: Mobile, Web & Desktop with 1 Codebase?' to the London Java Community (LJC) on April 26, 2022. I discussed why we need Flutter, how Flutter works, and whether Java developers should use it.

QCon Plus 2022: "Google’s Flutter: Mobile, Web & Desktop Frontends from 1 Codebase?"

QCon Plus brings together the world’s most innovative senior software engineers across multiple domains to share their real-world implementation of emerging trends and practices. I was deeply honored to present "Google’s Flutter: Mobile, Web & Desktop Frontends from 1 Codebase?" there on May 10, 2022.

QCon London 2022: "Google’s Flutter: Mobile, Web & Desktop Frontends from 1 Codebase?"

QCon London brings together the world’s most innovative senior software engineers. I was deeply honored to present "Google’s Flutter: Mobile, Web & Desktop Frontends from 1 Codebase?" there on April 4, 2022.