Author: Karsten Silz Sep 16, 2020 2 min read


Weekly Links: September 16, 2020

Web Links


Java 16 Warns About Default Constructors 😃 When Using Java Modules 😒

Java creates a default constructor with no argument in our classes if we don’t. Java 16 can warn about those if you use any of these javac parameters: -Xlint, -Xlint:all, or -Xlint:missing-explicit-ctor. The catch: This only works if the class is exported in a Java Module. Java 9 introduced Java Modules, which were a smash hit — for developers working on the JDK itself and pretty much nobody else. So that’ll be a feature for the lucky few, I guess.

Spring Boot Optimizes Docker Images

Spring Boot 2.3 can optimize Docker Images through layers. That speeds up pushes to a repository because you only push some of the layers. That’s what Google Jib can do for any Java project. I know because I gave a lightning talk about this in May 2020.

Spring Security 5.4

Another week, another Spring release. Looks like the usual " bug fixes & improvements" to me.

Spring Authorization Server 0.0.1

Talking about security: Spring now has its own authorization server for OAuth and JWT. Announced back in April 2020, this could turn into serious competition for Keycloak. For now, it’s early days, as the version number indicates.


ag-Grid: v24 of the “Best JavaScript Grid in the World”

There’s a ton of JavaScript table/grid components. I’ve used ag-Grid (open-source + commercial version) in several projects. I don’t know whether it’s the “Best JavaScript Grid in the World”, but I’ll recommend it! There’s a new multi-filter in v24 and smaller changes.

Angular Has a Public Roadmap

Angular is one of the “Big Three” JavaScript web frameworks, besides React and Vue. I use it for my web development. Anyhow, the Angular team announced its public roadmap. The actual roadmap is part of the Angular website and is supposed to be updated “at least quarterly ongoing”.

Software Development

Options Instead of a Roadmap?

Talking about roadmaps: Basecamp doesn’t have one. What?! If you develop software, then you’ll need a roadmap at some point. Or so the common wisdom says. Basecamp makes a collaboration platform and wants to reinvent email. They beg to differ and use options instead of a roadmap. You may disagree, but their reasoning is a worthwhile read nevertheless.

Java Tech Popularity Index Q4/2023:
Developer job ads dipped 30% in 2023. Monthly Stack Overflow questions dropped 42% since ChatGPT, with JavaScript at -56% and Python at -59%. Since June 22, Udemy's first-time Python course purchases have outpaced Java's 7.1 million to 2 million. Job ads for Quarkus and Micronaut continue to rebound.

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