Author: Karsten Silz Nov 21, 2019 1 min read


JHipster 6.4.0 - 6.5.1: New features & updated dependencies

JHipster portrait #0

JHipster 6.4.0: Read-only Entities, Spring Boot 2.1.9, and Redis Cache Support

The JHipster team released the minor version 6.4.0 on October 10, 2019. You can now declare entities in the JDL file as read-only and use Redis as a cache. Spring Boot got bumped to 2.1.9.

Github has the 135 closed tickets and merged pull requests for this release.

JHipster 6.4.1: Microservices fix

The JHipster team published the patch release 6.4.1 on October 1, 2019. It fixes the generation of Microservice applications without the embedded H2 database.

Github has the 8 closed tickets and merged pull requests for this release.

JHipster 6.5.0: Github Actions, more cloud & Spring Boot 2.1.10

The JHipster team released the minor version 6.5.0 on November 11, 2019. You can now configure Github Actions as a Continuous Integration server and run Microservices in AWS Containers. Spring Boot is now at version 2.1.10, amidst many other library updates.

Github has the 147 closed tickets and merged pull requests for this release.

JHipster 6.5.1: JDL fixes

The JHipster team published the patch release 6.5.1 on November 19, 2019. It fixes issues with the JDL, the built-in entity description language, and has some other bug fixes.

Github has the 47 closed tickets and merged pull requests for this release.

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