How to Build Java Applications Today?

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Picking a popular technology makes our developer life easier. My free, quarterly newsletter measures Java technology popularity by following the money: job ads in 59 countries and online course purchases by 60+ million developers. I also analyze developer interest with Google searches and developer engagement with questions at Stack Overflow.

Java Tech Popularity Index Q4/2023 (November 28, 2023)

Read the index to see all scorecards, all details & my recommendations. Below’s a sneek peak.

Data updates for Q4/2023: Developer job ads dipped 30% in 2023. Monthly Stack Overflow questions dropped 42% since ChatGPT, with JavaScript at -56% and Python at -59%. Since June 22, Udemy’s first-time Python course purchases have outpaced Java’s 7.1 million to 2 million. Job ads for Quarkus and Micronaut continue to rebound.

I use scorecards to show the current standings & trends of the top three technologies in each area. The number 2 is at 100%, but not on the card. The leader (left) and number 3 (right) are. The red arrows show the trend vs. the number 2. Below are two examples.

How does Java hold up against its competition? Here is Python (left) and Java (right) vs. JavaScript (100%), not on the card. The arrows show the trend vs. JavaScript.

Python (left) And Java (right) vs. JavaScript (100%)
Python (left) And Java (right) vs. JavaScript (100%)

Python slightly declines in jobs against JavaScript but holds steady or increases a bit in all other categories. Java holds steady against JavaScript or decreases slightly.

And what about back-end frameworks? Here is Spring Boot (left) and Quarkus (right) vs. Jakarta EE (100%), not on the card. The arrows show the trend vs. Jakarta EE.

Spring Boot (Left) And Quarkus (Right) vs. Jakarta EE (100%)
Spring Boot (Left) And Quarkus (Right) vs. Jakarta EE (100%)

Spring Boot pulls away from Jakarta EE everywhere except for job ad mentions. Quarkus gains on Jakarta EE everywhere or pulls away (Stack Overflow).

Read the index to see all scorecards, all details & my recommendations!

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Java Tech Popularity Index Q4/2023:
Developer job ads dipped 30% in 2023. Monthly Stack Overflow questions dropped 42% since ChatGPT, with JavaScript at -56% and Python at -59%. Since June 22, Udemy's first-time Python course purchases have outpaced Java's 7.1 million to 2 million. Job ads for Quarkus and Micronaut continue to rebound.

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